SMUFU has a yearly budget for students with an academic standing and an element of financial need. Special Conditions: Open to full-time and part-time students in Arts, Commerce, Engineering, or Science entering their final year at SMU. The award is determined by Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union. Applications are submitted directly to the SMUFU via the Financial Aid Office. To be considered for this award, students must complete and submit a Saint Mary’s University Faculty Union Scholarship Application which is available yearly in the Named Undergraduate Scholarship Application Package.

Guidelines for SMUFU Scholarships
- SMUFU Scholarships are available primarily to full-time (5.0) undergraduates in their final or Honours year, but SMUFU also provides scholarships for graduate and part-time students at Saint Mary’s University.
- The SMUFU Scholarship Committee makes every effort to ensure that students from each faculty receive awards on an annual basis.
- Normally students need a CQPA of 3.75 or higher to apply.
- SMUFU gives annual scholarships in a total of $25,000.00 to Saint Mary’s students. Normally these are distributed in allocations of $2000.00 each, but the individual amounts can vary according to the discretion of the SMUFU Scholarship Committee.
- While these scholarships are for high academic achievement, the Scholarship Committee also considers financial need and the granting of other financial awards by the University. Each student applicant will be required to fill out a financial statement provided by the Financial Aid Office.
- The SMUFU Scholarship Committee traditionally has been impressed by applicants who are completing dual degree programs, double majors, and broad or unusual choices of courses.
- Students interested in applying for the SMUFU Scholarships should fill out an application and a financial needs statement provided by the University’s Financial Aid Office. They should arrange for two letters of academic reference to be sent to the Financial Aid Office on their behalf. The application should include an indication that they are applying for a SMUFU Scholarship.
- All decisions of the SMUFU Scholarship Committee are final.